
Data Publica : 2024-07-08 00:00:00
Descrisaun :

Dili, July 3rd, 2024—The TIC TIMOR I.P. Agency through the Directorate of Information and Application System Development (DDSIA Portuguese acronym), facilitated today, the capacity building of the Official Portal for Employees of the National Directorate of Land Transport (DNTT).


The objective of the training was carried out with the aim of facilitating ways on how to perform application of the portal administration management for employees, with the purpose in transmitting the DNTT information to the public.


During the opening of the training, the Director of DDSIA (Portuguese acronym), Mr. Justo Fernandes, highlighted that, this training becomes part of the service mission established in the program of the IX Constitutional Government attributed to TIC TIMOR for the implementation of the e- Government all over the national territory.


The Government of Timor-Leste has the initiative to implement the e-Government for preparation to become a member of ASEAN and the WTO organizations, considering that, technology becomes an important issue for membership requirement at those organizations.


Therefore, TIC TIMOR has the responsibility for the development of Systems such as Human Resources System, Cloud System to ensure the storage of documents from all Government institutions.


On the same occasion, Mrs. Maria Antónia Vitor da Costa of DNTT highlighted that, we are currently becoming part of the globalization era, therefore, we have to possess the portal in order to share information to the public.


The Director of DNTT conveyed gratitude to TIC TIMOR for the availability provided to facilitate the development of the portal with the aim of facilitating the functioning of DNTT employees in sharing information to the public.


At the same time, the Director requested the participants to pay full attention during the training and taking advantage to absorb knowledge obtained in order to manage the portal by themself.


Meanwhile, the training was carried out at the DNTT office building in Balide-Dili. And at the end of the training, TIC TIMOR awarded Certificate of Appreciation to the participants.
